Photographer / 商品摄影师
- Design and conduct photo shooting according to the brand image and productfeatures.
- Select shooting equipments, arrange lighting, setting and tools.
- Examine and refine photo effects.
- Follow up with printing and quality of photos.
- Have passion for life, care about the environment.
- Bachelor’s degree or above inPhotography, Art, Design or related areas.
- 2+ years experience of professionalphotography, experience in retail branding is an advantage.
- High aesthetic standards and creativity, sensitive to shape, form and color.
- Experienced in shooting techniques, photo processing software such as Photoshopand AI.
- Sound knowledge of digital camera and DSLR camera.
- Detail-oriented, good team player.
- A passionate, curious, and creativethinker.
- Willing to change, to move and to takechallenge.
- 根据公司品牌定位,感知产品等拍摄对象的特性,进行摄影策划及拍摄;
- 根据不同的需求选择适合的相机、菲林、和附件,布置灯光及道具;
- 检查图片质量,负责图片的后期处理;
- 把控图片印刷质量;
- 热爱生活,关注环境;
- 本科以上学历,摄影或艺术设计相关专业;
- 2年以上工作经验,有零售品牌服务经验者优先;
- 有良好的审美观和的好创造力,对形状、形式及颜色敏感;
- 在摄影技巧上有丰富经验和技术,有专业图片处理经验,并能熟练运用photoshop、AI等处理优化图片软件;
- 熟练掌握摄影技术,熟悉数码相机、单反相机使用;
- 良好的沟通合作技巧,注重细节;
- 能够承受压力,愿意面对新挑战;
How to Apply
Candidate who isinterested in this position is required and highly appreciated to send yourResume and Portfolio to data collected is solely for recruitment related purpose and will betreated in strict confidence.
emoi lifestyle co., ltd.
F3, BLDG E-5,Eastern Industrial Park, OCT LOFT, Shenzhen, China
Post Code:518053
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